Is BSC a useful tool for assessing staff deployment within an organization? My library (university, ARL) is looking for a process to help us determine how to redeploy staff (both library faculty and technicians) to more effectively address our strategic initiatives. |
The Balanced Scorecard methodology is a great framework for determining staff allocation. Without knowing more specifics, I would assume your library already has a vision statement and strategic objectives defined. These objectives are usually something like Improve Financial Control, Increase Availability and Number of Customers served, Maintain High Customer Satisfaction, Continually Improve Internal Processes (maybe re-shelving time or number of back-ordered books), and a Learning and Growth section for continuing education and career advancement opportunities for your staff. Each of these objectives should have a related quantifiable measure (# of books checked out last month or % of time library computers are utilized). And based on your targets for these measures, you can move or further train your staff to push up certain measures. It is also important to note that the Balanced Scorecard is an important tool for communication among the staff. By clearly stating what the expectations are, the staff will have a more tangible vision of what they should work towards. I wish you luck in your endeavor! If you have more specific questions, feel free to post them here, or privately email me at [email protected]. |