Are there any good examples of the balanced scorecard used in a retail environment? I've found a lot of good examples in manufacturing, but less in retail.

asked Mar 31 '10 at 18:09

Hudson's gravatar image


Wells Fargo (retail online banking) is well documented through HBS Press at Also ELand in South Korea is in the Hall of Fame as a good retail example.

Best Buy is in the Hall of Fame as well, although I'm not sure I would fully categorize their program as a Balanced Scorecard. They have a great integrated management system that focuses on objectives and measures, but no strategy map or cause and effect relationships.

answered Apr 01 '10 at 00:21

Ted%20Jackson's gravatar image

Ted Jackson

The Balanced Scorecard has also been used at Store 24, Ann Taylor, The Limited, and other retailers. I think there is a Store 24 case study available at Harvard Business School Publishing. That being said, I don't think the BSC is as pervasive in the retail sector as it is in the oil and gas sector.

answered Apr 15 '10 at 13:34

Jason's gravatar image


The Store 24 example is interesting because it also documents how the BSC can quickly identify a failing strategy.

(Apr 29 '10 at 19:15) Ted Jackson

I have been involved in the deployment of an extensive strategy management system (Balanced Scorecard) development and deployment for two major supermarket chains in the Southeast. While supermarkets tend to be very operationally focused, they can greatly benefit from using strategy maps and scorecards as integral parts of their strategy management tool kit.

The key benefits to retail are:

  1. Organizational alignment - between various business units and support functions to support the overall value proposition of the enterprise

  2. Organizational engagement / individual alignment - the value of a well executed strategy derives from associates at the front line and throughout the company knowing what to do and how to do it to support the strategy.

  3. Improved performance and operating information - management needs to know more than just the financials - they need to understand, monitor, and manage what drives value in the organization.

answered May 19 '10 at 15:18

Jay%20R.%20Weiser's gravatar image

Jay R. Weiser

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Asked: Mar 31 '10 at 18:09

Seen: 15,451 times

Last updated: Jun 30 '10 at 16:24

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