Where can I find a good template to use to get started quickly with the Balanced Scorecard? I'd like to use the framework, but don't want to invest too much time in getting spun up. |
We just built out a new toolkit with instruction and an example throughout. We're calling it the Strategy Execution Toolkit, and it includes a balanced scorecard template. Check that out for an up-to-date template. Hope it helps! |
Jason- To help nonprofit and social sector leaders better understand the purpose and value of a Strategy Map, we have compiled and posted a number of real nonprofit, educational, medical, government, and professional examples in our library of strategy management white papers. Each white paper follows a similar framework of describing typical balanced scorecard layouts, the four perspectives (customer, financial, internal processes, and learning and growth), and then briefly overviews the purpose of Balanced Scorecard objectives. After quickly covering the basics, each white paper introduces 5-10 real balanced scorecard strategy maps. Each whitepaper can also be downloaded directly by clicking the links below: Example Strategy Maps for Charity and Nonprofit Organizations Example Strategy Maps for Government, Police, Community Development, and Citizen Support Agencies Example Strategy Maps for Medical and Healthcare Organizations Example Strategy Maps for Public, Private, and Charter Schools and Libraries Example Strategy Maps for Societies, Associations, and Unions We have spent an incredible amount of time compiling and organizing this library and will greatly appreciate any and all feedback! |
We just posted a bunch of nonprofit, government, education, and association templates for strategy maps on our website. You can find the Whitepapers by clicking on the link. If you are a mission-driven organization, I would encourage you to look around the website and download what you need. |
Now, that being said, you can find some good examples of scorecards in all of the Norton Kaplan books. Strategy Maps has many good maps, and all of the other books have examples across all sectors. Further, Harvard Business Review press produces the Balanced Scorecard Report which has good examples also. These become ways to generate good thinking and ideas to drive your thinking with the Balanced Scorecard. |
Be careful about not wasting too much time to get spun up. I was working today with the CEO of a company, and he had previously launched a Balanced Scorecard within a division of his business before he was promoted. We told him that we were prepared to move quickly since he already had a good template for his scorecard. He responded that he did not want to move to quickly because it was important for his leadership team to buy into the process and to own the scorecard. He did not want to have a team that looked to him for the answers. He wanted them to participate in coming up with the answers. |
I don't know if this is helpful, but there's an Excel template (or at least a Microsoft Office template) available from the Office website. Looks like it was created by BearingPoint. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC011628371033.aspx |