what is the input ,the output and the discussion which held in the interviews in BSC ?

who should attend the interviews in BSC ?

and what is input,output,and discussion in the workshops of BSC ? and also who should attend the workshops of BSC ?

asked May 24 '11 at 02:07

8gates's gravatar image


I'm not sure about your questions here, but let me assume that you are talking about the Balanced Scorecard Development process.

  1. Interviews - you typically conduct leadership interviews to learn about each leader's view of the strategy and where it is working and not working. After several interviews, you will see alignment of views, disagreements, and gaps. Typically a consultant or third party will conduct the interviews. It helps to keep them non-biased.

  2. Balanced Scorecard Workshops - After the interviews, it is important to bring the leadership team together to discuss the strategy map, then measures, then initiatives in order to keep everyone on the same page. It is also a great way to flush out issues and clarify the strategy.

answered Jun 02 '11 at 12:56

Ted%20Jackson's gravatar image

Ted Jackson

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Asked: May 24 '11 at 02:07

Seen: 25,028 times

Last updated: Jun 02 '11 at 12:56

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