Enterprise Performance Management is an industry buzz-word that seems to include many topics related to goal setting, reporting, performance analysis, and decision support systems.

The Balanced Scorecard Methodology, developed by Drs. Kaplan and Norton, also seems to include many aspects of strategic planning, organizational alignment of both ongoing operations and one-time initiatives, to ensure organizational success.

Are these two topics related? Is the Balanced Scorecard methodology as in-depth as Enterprise Performance Management systems? Is one more mature and/or effective than the other?

Any and all comments are appreciated.

asked Aug 21 '11 at 20:55

John%20S's gravatar image

John S

I'm not sure that it is best to focus on the names of things - better to understand what they do and decide if this is useful or not.

  • EPM is a term that is mostly used (I think / based on what I see) by IT firms and used as a cover-all for selling / marketing large integrated computer systems for unstated purposes. It is usually a fools errand to try and read too much into terms used in software marketing, but I imagine EPM is not unlike an earlier frame called EIS
  • Balanced Scorecard is a performance management framework used to help manage the implementation of strategy.
  • I have never heard the term Balanced Scorecard Strategic Planning prior to this post (perhaps I've lead a sheltered life), and am not sure how you guess what it might mean. Given that Balanced Scorecard is used to manage the implementation of a strategic plan, perhaps it is some conjoining of these two activities? If so, perhaps it is a bit like Kaplan & Norton's "Strategy Focused Organisation" approach?

So are they related? I suspect they overlap (the data that appears in a Balanced Scorecard report could presumably be provided via an EPM) but that's about it I think.

answered Nov 14 '11 at 11:24

Gavin%20Lawrie's gravatar image

Gavin Lawrie

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Asked: Aug 21 '11 at 20:55

Seen: 10,411 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '11 at 11:24

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