Is there a list of Balanced Scorecard users that's maintained anywhere? I can't seem to find a good list. It would be useful to know other people to reach out to in order to learn from each other. |
Are you looking for good BSC consultants or more of a list of organizations that have experienced success in implementing the BSC? There is a challenge to both lists. The first one, a list of consultants, either is going to be a self selected group or one that is certified. There is another post here that talks about varrying certifications as well as the fact that certification represents a training credential and not necessarily practical experience. The second list...those of organizations actually implementing the BSC is also a challenge. The first challenge is that common surveys tell you that between 40-60% of organizations use a Balanced Scorecard. This data is trickey because they self-define what a BSC is, and the organization may not be using the BSC at the enterprise level, but just at a business unit level. Anyway, I know I didn't answer your question, but hopefully I provided some context as to why you might be having trouble finding either of the lists you are looking for. |