After the Balanced Scorecard has been in use for a few years, what's the best way to refresh it? Strategies change, measures change, so how often should the scorecard change? |
For Balanced Scorecards used for strategic purposes, you want to do three things to keep it fresh:
We've been building Balanced Scorecards for organisations for over a decade, and we're beginning to see a longer five-year cycle emerging from our clients, where after five years they come back and ask us to 'rebuild' their Balanced Scorecard. This makes sense, as best-practice design methods (see: "What is a “state of the art” Balanced Scorecard design?") suggest you focus about five years out when creating a Balanced Scorecard... but always reassuring to see it work in practice as well as in theory. HTH |
Of course, all of the above are right. Basically there is no answer at the back of the book, but here is what we have learned, in addition to the previous answers; 1) all scorecards need a periodic review in order to catch the small day-to-day shifts that go unnoticed (like watching paint dry). The time period for these periodic reviews depends on the drum-beat of your company. one of our clients manufacture Scotch - with a manufacturing cycle time of about 25 years, they do not feel the need for frequent updates. on the other hand Fedex-Kinkos needs to update theirs' monthly... their 'drum-beat' is much faster. 2) an macro event (internal or external) should trigger a review... but wait until the after-shocks have passed. 3) when ever you are about to make a major strategic play (e.g acquire a significant sector player) Typically reviews fit into one of four categories: Change the priorities (weightings), linkages (arrows), the Strategic Objectives (bubbles) or the metrics. each of these is used to deal with a different issue. I have a couple of webinars on this on YouTube. |
I agree with Gavin, and he has some great points about ways to keep it fresh. We also see organizations taking a structured approach to the way they review their strategy.
It was heading into one of these annual meetings that a company I was working with realized that they had "completed" several of their objectives and that their scorecard represented what they had accomplished rather than what they wanted to accomplish. That is a good sign that you need to refresh your strategy map and underlying measures. |
The flip answer would be as often as it needs to. I would not set a definite period for change, but would rather periodically evaluate whether it should be changed based on changes in objectives, strategies, measures, etc. The periodicity of this review would depend on how dynamic your business context is. If it's constantly changing, you may want to look every quarter, whereas if it's relatively stable, you may go a year or more before evaluating. Just remember you want to look often enough to make sure the scorecard doesn't get stale, and stop being of use in guiding decisions. |